Wednesday 9 July 2014

My First Post

Yeah, Yeah! Go ahead and laugh at me all you want. To be honest, my old-not-so-awesome-blog was lame. In fact, it was lamest of the lame. It sucked!

But this, my fellow readers, is the new awesome blog and it is going to be legen -wait for it- ...dary! Why? Because new is always better. My only one rule. NEW FIVE!!

Anyway, I created this blog, correction-awesome blog, because one can ONLY try to be awesome like Barney. One simply cannot be as awesome as Barney Stinson. Plus I want to say these two awesome lines..

Ever since seeing, Barney Stinson, on TV I have tried to be like him. Sadly, without any success. However, I’m getting there step by step. At an awesome pace. (For those of you who don’t know Barney Stinson, he is THE awesome character of THE awesome show called How I Met Your Mother)

Why have I tried to be so much like Barney? Well, glad you asked.

Firstly, he wears suits. Suits are cool. Secondly, he is successful in life and with ladies (what up?!). Plus, he is rich and of course let’s not forget awesome. That’s all I ever want to be when I grow up. It’s a dream which I can make it come true.    
Barney Stinson and I are quite similar. In fact, we are so similar you would be amazed. Here is the list of similarities between Barney and me:  
  1. Believe it or not Barney Stinson was lame and a loser before and I was lame and a loser too. How lame right?
  2. Barney’s first ever girlfriend broke his heart. Sadly, my heart was broken too by a girl (not my girlfriend though and not literally).  
  3. He stopped being lame after that and became awesome. Coincidently, I did too.
  4. He is an awesome magician. I am a magician too... (Ok I lied). I'm an amateur magician. ..And that is a big fat lie too. I just know few some card tricks okay. 

Ok, as you can see from the list Barney and I are quite similar and I can only see us being more similar by day. I hope to be as awesome as him one day.
Anyway, that’s all for my first post but do keep reading my blog when I post.

Peace out!

P.S. This time I will actually post regularly.