Thursday 17 July 2014

Instagram: Why I don’t regret making an Instagram account

Alright time for my second post. Oh wait correction – my second awesome post and as you can tell by the title it is called (wait for it) Instagram. Told you I would post this time.

But first let me talk a selfie

Anyway, I'm really glad that my blog has been viewed 54 times. I simple cannot describe how happy I am- Well, to be really honest I can but I'm too lazy. So, I would like to take this time out to thank my readers. I really mean it. Thank you so much for reading my blog. God bless you all.  

Right, my second post is about Instagram. I have recently made an Instagram account. And by recently I mean I made it waaaayyy back in mid-October 2013 and didn't even upload a picture until beginning of February 2014. Some of my followers, who don’t know me well, must have thought I was some pervert, which I'm not by the way. I bet my followers probably pictured me like this creepy looking dude.
But I have now uploaded some pictures. So it’s cool! 

To be honest, I do not even know why I made it in the first place when I was against it. So, I guess you could call me a hypocrite. However, one thing is for sure; I do not regret making Instagram. Not. One. Bit.
Reason? I shall sum it up in one word; Models or shall I say imaginary models? Have you not seen the endless pictures of hot models? I didn't know Asians were super-hot until Instagram.
When I saw this Asian girl’s picture- I was like ..
Now, before you start judging me; I did not make Instagram account just to “check out” unbelievably sexy models because if I did that would just make a weirdo and pervert, which ONCE AGAIN I'm not. Heck, I didn't even know Instagram had these kind pictures. I would have never seen those images if it weren't for my friend (God Bless him!).  Believe me I'm a good and innocent guy!

I made Instagram mainly because to follow the people I know and to meet new friends. And about 5% to check out models. Come on! Every boys does that. Now I have around 95 followers on Instagram and I just need 5 more to reach the triple digit. So please follow me. I totally follow back.