Sunday 4 January 2015

Thank you for the 400+ views!

Dear not-so-awesome-but-keep-on-reading-my-blog-and-you-will-be-awesome-one-day readers,

Where do I even start? Well, firstly, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my awesome blog even though I haven’t updated since 1st of August. I never expected my blog to have so many views (Well, I did. I mean, come on, it’s my blog and it’s awesome but yeah I’m just trying being modest). Anyway, thank you very very much and God bless you all! Also, I...

From now on, I, Sijan Gurung the creator of this awesome blog, will try not to slack off and I will keep updating my blog, which, by the way, is one of my New Year resolutions. Speaking of which, my next post will be about New Year Resolution! Although, I had initially planned to post about the 3 days rule but since I was busy doing nothing, I will post it after I have finished the New Year resolutions post.

Once again, Thank u and keep reading my blog! J

Yours truly,
Sijan Gurung AKA Messi, Sherlock  

P.S Keep reading my blog!