Friday 1 August 2014

3 Awesome ways to ask a girl's number!

Every boy will have to ask for a girl’s number during their life time. If a boy doesn’t ask for a girl’s number then it can only mean two things: a) boy is extremely hot therefore doesn’t have to try or b) boy is a completely loser, lame and without confidence. In most cases, it’s the latter.
A statistics shows that 83% of boys are scared and can’t come up with an awesome ways to asks girl’s number. Well, I am here to bring those numbers down.
Recently, I asked a girl’s number in a very awesome way. I asked her number in such a creative way that she “melted” and said stop being “cute”. Oh and for your information, I got her number.

You see, you can either be a boring normal guy and ask a girl’s number in dull and lame way or you can be imaginative and awesome guy and ask a girl’s number in such way that she “melts” away. Not literally though. You don’t want that. You decide!
I’m not saying you have to ask for a girl’s number in an awesome way every time. I’m just saying that asks a girl’s number in an awesome when you know that the girl is special to you.

I will, most likely, think of more awesome ways to ask a girl’s number in the future and here are the three awesome ways to asks for a girl’s number. Trust me they work.
  1. My phone is broken.                                                                                                                You: Hey, sorry for the late reply, I was going to text you but you see my phone is broken            at the moment but I think you can fix it.                                                                                Girl: Why? What happened? (They will probably reply that or similar)                                      You: It doesn’t have your number in it ;).
  2. What time is it?                                                                                                                         This play is easy and simple to perform. For this play to be effective you and the girl have to online.                                                                                                                                    You: Hey do know what time is it?                                                                                              Girl: Its 10:10 pm (For example)                                                                                            You: No not that time. It’s time to give me your number  
  3. I am not a mathematician but..                                                                                                 (This play is quite hard to perform.)                                                                                        You: I’m no mathematician but give me your number and you see what I can do with it.        Girl: Okay, what can you do with it? (Some girls likes to play hard so they will ask these questions)                                                                                                                                You: I can text you cute and sweet messages. I can call you and hear you sweet and almost angel like voice. (This is just an example. Every time a girls plays hard try to be awesome and play it cool.) 

And…Your Welcome!

You don’t have to copy word for word. You can always try to use your own words and be more original and awesome than me. But, of course, we all know that is quite impossible. Ahah!! 

Anyway, Good Luck for all the bros out there.